Re: [html] Elements within "title"?

> it is not about styling - it is about semantic
> <title>Dictionary de&lt;-&gt;en: <span lang="de">Auto</span></title>
> <title>Presidents of the <abbr title="United States of
> America">USA</abbr></title>

Also you're going to need a limited element subset, which actually
solves a lot of issues. If you  limit yourself to inline, non-replaced
content that gives you something that more of less you would want.

There's nothing that prevents you from saying the content model of
title is limited to:

sup, sub, em, strong, span, abbr (others I'm forgetting).

and disallowing the style attribute on elements in the title.


Orion Adrian

Received on Thursday, 1 March 2007 15:07:42 UTC