Re: Local entities in XHTML

Thank you all for quite relevant answers. They lead me to realize, 
among other things, that Firefox DOES recognize the local 
declarations, provided the file is served with the proper type 
(application/xhtml+xml), OR (for a local file) if it has the 
extension ".xhtml".

In the same vein, I'd like to discuss a few issues:

1- Don't you think that, if a file is served with a "close enough" 
type (or extension, for a local file), the browsers should infer from 
the namespace & DOCTYPE that the file is actually XHTML? My two cents 
is that it would be a safe inference to make, but maybe I am 
overseeing something.

2- What do you think of ISO-HTML, which explicitly forbids a local 
declaration subset?

"The document type declaration shall not include a document type 
declaration subset" (from ISO/IEC 15445:2000(E) ISO-HTML, at least as 
it can be read at <>).

Can't wait to read your answers!

Thank you!


Received on Tuesday, 11 December 2007 15:31:36 UTC