Re: xhtml 2.0 noscript

Orion Adrian wrote:
> noscript is a convenience. That's all. While it's possible to do as
> you suggest, noscript is much easier to read and much cleaner. It
> produces a nicer output for search engines and it's a standard way of
> saying what you just put there. It also doesn't rely on CSS which may
> also not be supported.

A major problem with noscript is that it doesn't distinguish between a 
browser that fully supports the script and one that has script enabled 
but doesn't implement the required features.

   if (!document.getElementById) {

<p>Browsers with script enabled that don't pass that test will not see 
the result of the script, nor this alternative content.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Tuesday, 25 July 2006 14:46:29 UTC