Re: [XHTML 2.0] emphesis

Jonathan Worent wrote:
> I would like to suggest a change to the way empehsis is coded. Instead
> of either <strong> and <em> I suggest $lt;em level="#">.
> "#" Represents the level of emphesis either positivly or negatively. It
> would need to be agreed upon a limit to the levels for obvious reasons.
> I suggest 5.

This sounds like redundant generalization. In my view, <em> is emphasis
<em>in flow of text</em> and in typography this is usually achieved by
italics, and nested emphasis usually alternate roman and italic. Again
in my view, <strong>&lt;strong&gt;</strong> is used when page is seen
quickly and you need to find "points of interest", usually achieved by
bold, but it may be underline for example. I really don't see how these
levels are something more than classes and roles.


Received on Saturday, 8 July 2006 18:54:09 UTC