Re: content type for XHTML fragments: reformulated

Quoting Daniel Schierbeck <>:
> It's been a while since this thread ceased being active, but I've 
> been thinking of a more elegant way of transferring chunks of XHTML 
> between applications/documents. This could eventually be added to 
> XHTML 2.0.
> My proposal is to add a <fragment/> root element that encapsulates 
> the XHTML content being sent. That way you could send that content as 
> application/xhtml+xml.

That would still require an update of RFC 3236. I also don't really see the
advantage over using simply a <div> element with the namespace applied 
to it or
some random element in another namespace. I also don't see why would want to
send it over the wire as application/xhtml+xml.

(Atom uses a <div> element as root for XHTML fragments.)

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Sunday, 29 January 2006 12:56:10 UTC