Re: HTML 4.01 Specification seems to have a Table variable just not there

On Sun, 2006-01-15 at 20:30 +1100, scsijon wrote:
> 1- The HTML spec can't reside on it's own, as i was told it was 
> suppose to be able to do, when I learn't it.

It can stand on its own. It might not be able to achieve the
presentational effects that you desire, but presentation isn't the job
of HTML in the first place. It describes structure, semantics and
relationships with other resources.

> 2- I now have to learn CSS, something I have no idea about other than 
> as a name!

We all have to start somewhere.

> 3- I am expected to rewrite code that IS complete (and works) except 
> for a SINGLE missing attribute, that I expected to be there as it's 
> alternate (width) IS in the specification.

... and marked as deprecated and to be avoided.

David Dorward                           <>
"Anybody remotely interesting is mad, in some way or another."
                             -- The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

Received on Sunday, 15 January 2006 10:06:36 UTC