Re: Flexible table/grid

"Markus Jonsson" <> wrote in message
> Shouldn't there be a Grid element, similar to the GtkIconView of the GTK+ 
> toolkit?
> Unlike a TABLE, you wouldn't have to specify rows and
> columns. The number of cols/rows would be rearranged automatically due to 
> the measures of the container.

This could be done with some addition to CSS:

"flow" attribute [1] which describes layout algorithm for
blocks like DIV, TD, etc. (containers)
"flow" has four values so far:
1) vertical - blocks are laid out as
    normally in div - single column, from top to bottom.
2) horizontal - single row - all blocks have same height.
    This pretty much inversion of vertical. See [2]
3) h-flow - blocks wrap in multiple rows, all block in single
   row have the same width. From left to right, top to bottom.
4) v-flow - blocks wrap in columns, from top to bottom and
   left to right.

This is how such flow implemented in my HTMLayout:
Last <select> on the screenshot has style flow:h-flow;

Note: all inputs in HTMLayout are fully styleable as
they are "made from DOM elements" with applied
"input behaviors"  so <select> is just a <div> with
arbitrary markup inside. behavior:select just enumerates
<options> contained inside.

Thus it is possible to say:



Andrew Fedoniouk.

Received on Saturday, 14 January 2006 03:09:12 UTC