Re: Question about XHTML 2.0 and content type


Am Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2006 14:53 schrieb Lachlan Hunt:
> Accept: application/xhtml+xml,
> application/xhtml+xml;profile="",
> text/html;q=0.9,...
> It is a little bit long [...]
A solution could be to let the user choose between a "fast" and an "exact" 
content negotiation mode for their user agent. Since all "regular" user 
agents support downloading files, "Accept: */*" would be okay for them (some 
user agents even send this), as long as the server is also configured to 
serve popular formats like HTML with higher priority than less popular 
formats. Note that thinking of the future, where the format priority in the 
server might change, this might also be a compatibility trap.

I myself would prefer to wait 0.2s longer for each document entity, e.g. 2 
seconds for a document with 9 images over ISDN, if the benefit would be a 
properly working content negotiation.
I'm glad that Mozilla negotiates to accept application/xhtml+xml with higher 
priority than text/html, and I would like to see a tradition of proper 
content negotiation being established.

Christian Hujer
Free software developer

Received on Thursday, 2 February 2006 21:09:09 UTC