Re: xhtml2

Le 10 août 06 à 22:09, Mike Whitehurst a écrit :
> address = a ... pointless

two different elements with different semantics.
The features of the href attribute has been extended from xhtml:a to  
xhtml2:* (all elements)

> blockcode = pre ... pointless

pre is about presentation (I will be beaten on this)
blockcode is about semantics of a block of code.

I don't like blockcode for other reasons.
	model inline/block is not good for pure semantics elements.

> i'm not liking section .. it reminds me of divitis. i want to make  
> my page as light as possible.

> <h>Heading</h>
> <section>
>   <h>Level 2 heading</h>
>   <section>
>     <h>Level 4 heading</h>
>   </section>
> </section>

One of the benefits which is very rarely mentionned. Authoring tools  
but it might be difficult to handle as Daniel explained.

Think about an outliner (if you have already used one). When you work  
with an outliner, you are often reorganizing section of content  
because of the position of this content in the hierarchy. having a  
section/h structure helps to keep this without having to each time  
rename all h1 to h6 tags when moving the content around.

Though the difficult is how to handle the section/h together. is  
content authorized in between for example.

<section heading="">...</section> could have been imagined but it has  
also other troubles. No links on a part of the heading. no inline  
elements. etc.

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager, QA Activity Lead
   QA Weblog -
      *** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Thursday, 10 August 2006 15:38:00 UTC