Re: More comment on section and h

Daniel Glazman wrote:

> The section/h model is from my perspective, with my editor implementor's
> hat on, flawed.

 From the perspective of implementing an editor (Xopus in my case) the 
current situation certainly is unfortunate.

My ideal content model for section would be:

   h, block-level*, section*

There is a one-to-one mapping between this model and any xhtml 1 
document with h1-h6 that doesn't skip levels, so for html editors the 
interface doesn't have to change. This is also exactly the mapping that 
semantically makes the most sense: a section starts with a heading and 
ends before the next heading of the same level.

But still having h1-h6 around in xhtml 2 makes the mapping impossible.

Sjoerd Visscher

Received on Wednesday, 9 August 2006 19:46:33 UTC