RE: FW: Divorcing Presentation from Content - a prototype.

Hi Lachlan, thanks very much for your comments - I'll look into some of the 
suggestions you've made. 

I really appreciate the information about HTML overlays. It does sound very similar to what 
I'm trying to achieve in trying as much as possible to reduce the size of dynamic 
web pages served by the web server, and shift the non changing information in a web page into 
static pages. Both of us think that this will make the job of a web application server much 
easier as the static components can be readily cached.

SDPML is about substituting information into place holders in 
finished HTML templates whereas html overlays looks to be inserting 
fragments of HTML based on rules. 

Agreed many issues with the way SDPML is working at the moment 
the hope was that others in the community may be trying to solve similar problems
and may like to work together to try and create a new way of serving web pages.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lachlan Hunt []
Sent: 29 November 2005 01:24
To: Sunil
Subject: Re: FW: Divorcing Presentation from Content - a prototype.

There are serious accessibility issues with this.  I got nothing when I 
visited with JS off, CSS on.  Turning off CSS reveals the previously 
hidden list of file names with no useful content at all.  Also, HTML has 
a method of including one document within another on the client side 
called <object>, which your script could make use of instead of just a 
list of file names as it appears to.

You may also want to take a look at HTMLOverlays.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Tuesday, 29 November 2005 22:29:43 UTC