Re: FW: Divorcing Presentation from Content - a prototype.

Sunil wrote:
> Hi, I've knocked together some javascript code that pushes the
> responsibility for merging the content with
> the presentation of a web page to the browser. Its only a prototype at the
> moment and runs on firefox, but
> as a proof of concept it shows how it could be done.
> the project page is
> and a working prototype can be found at

There are serious accessibility issues with this.  I got nothing when I 
visited with JS off, CSS on.  Turning off CSS reveals the previously 
hidden list of file names with no useful content at all.  Also, HTML has 
a method of including one document within another on the client side 
called <object>, which your script could make use of instead of just a 
list of file names as it appears to.

You may also want to take a look at HTMLOverlays.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Tuesday, 29 November 2005 01:23:51 UTC