The relationship to RDF


I'm reading Steven Pembertons talk:

blockquote cite=""

   We can now say that <meta> and <rel> define RDF triples:

     * 'about' is the subject,
     * 'property' and 'rel' are the predicate,
     * for <meta> the content is a string or XML literal object,
     * for <link> 'href' gives the object.


Maybe he simplified things, but I don't think this has anything to do 
with meta and link, because it works with any element. I think this 
should be:

   We can now say that 'property' and 'rel' define RDF triples:

     * 'about' is the subject,
     * 'property' and 'rel' are the predicate,
     * for 'property' the content is:
       - a string when there is a 'content' attribute,
       - an XML literal object otherwise,
     * for 'rel' 'href' gives the object.

(It took me a while to realize the difference between 'property' and 
'rel', but I think this is it.)

Sjoerd Visscher

Received on Sunday, 29 May 2005 10:21:56 UTC