separator abuse


With the recent separator discussion I was more or less convinced by 
others that a separator is needed to markup some books.

But in the new WD I see this example:

<li href="/">Home</li>
<li href="prev">Previous</li>
<li href="..">Up</li>
<li href="next">Next</li>

This an absolute abuse of the element, and the reason why I was against 
it in the first place. I now think that the chance for abuse is too big, 
and the number of cases where separator has real use is too small. So 
separator should be dropped.

What this example also shows is that the nl stucture is unsuited for 
popup-menus, because menus contain grouped items.

Sjoerd Visscher

Received on Sunday, 29 May 2005 09:53:08 UTC