Re: rel="nofollow" attribute (PR#7676)

Daniel Glazman wrote:
> semanticless element called BODY, etc. Please, give us a break about 
> "nofollow"... Fantasai said that assigning a poorly-chosen name can lead to 
> confusion. Because you think the vast majority of the world speaks english 
> and will see a confusion where YOU, as an english speaker, see one?

I would like to point out that most non-English speakers do not divine the
syntax and semantics of HTML but rather use information published in their
own language about this markup. The authors of these materials also do not
divine the syntax and semantics of HTML but rather *ultimately rely on English-
readers reading English-language resources*--because those are the definitive
documents from which all the tutorials and references and translations derive.
If the English web is confused about the meaning of "nofollow" then so is
the rest of the web.


Received on Saturday, 29 January 2005 16:19:13 UTC