Re: [XHTML 2] Browser Compliance Question

At 8:29 AM -0800 11/12/04, David Lieberman AWDSF wrote:
>I'm trying to make sure that my sites will be backwards compliant 
>for old browsers if I use XHTML 2..
>From what I understand, I can use XSLT to produce a re-worked xhtml1 
>rendering of the pages I'm using.  Then I can use browser sniffing 
>or http-accept, to make sure that older browsers get my normal XHTML 
>and  XHTML 2 complaint browsers are served the newer XHTML 2 version 
>of my code.
>Would this work?

It could work. You would probably have to follow some houseStyle
rules in your source so it transforms OK.

You might actually do better picking up some intentionally
cross-device authoring system such as those made by the members of
the Device Independence Working Group, and using an XML content
repository that incorporates elements of DISelect [1] as well as
XHTML 2.0 in your source form. Then write your targeted export
writers to XHTML 2.0 and down-levels as you wish. But they cost less
and less as you invest in the quality of the source form. But that's
not free.



>Would it even be worth my time?

That's a question only you can answer. There is non-zero gain,
non-zero pain, and a feasible path to invest some pain in a way that
will yield some gain. Whether it's worth it has to do with what you


>David Lieberman

Received on Friday, 12 November 2004 19:30:35 UTC