hr, fieldset, legend, sub, sup not to be removed XHTML Basic


Can anbody explain why the following elements are forbidden in the XHTML
Basic 1.0 DTD?

* hr (horizontal rule)
* fieldset, legend (form field groups)
* sup, sub (superindices, subindices)

I think they should NOT be forbidden at all. I understand that some mobile
devices may not render some of them properly, but I don't think that 
might be a reason for being removed from the DTD. They add important
semantic value and improve accessibility and I don't agree with these
eliminations. On the other hand, I am a "XHTML Basic" supporter (almost
all my pages are XHTML Basic valid and I teach accessibility in the

By the way, wouldn't it be great that W3C pages were XHTML Basic valid?

Imagine W3C pages being accessed by mobile devices :-).


Vicente Luque Centeno
Dep. Ingeniería Telemática
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Received on Monday, 1 November 2004 23:11:58 UTC