Re: href attribute

>    I really wish you would read all relevant specifications before
> posting to these mailing lists.  This has already been suggested, and is
> listed almost exactly like that in the XHTML 2.0 draft...

Idea is quite obvious, that is why I asked:
> > Does anybody know any previous discussions about this?

> .... , except it uses <nl> instead of <ul>.

<nl> is from another opera I guess. <nl> is a hierarchical list as far as I
can see it.
I was speaking about href and arbitrary HTML element though.

As Bjoern Hoehrmann (thanks a lot!) mentioned about hrefs in XHTML 2.0 my
queistion already got a clear answer.

>    Try the "nesting and the newly promiscuous href" thread [1] from last
> december, or search the archives for others.
> [1]

I appreciate you a lot,  Lachlan, for the link. This is what I really

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Received on Sunday, 4 July 2004 23:19:15 UTC