Re: Datestamping HTML

I have seen a few references to "XHTML DOM".

Now, is this some specific topic under consideration, or is it just "the 
ordinary DOM that happens to be used for XHTML documents, so nothing 
special is to be done"?

For reference, I provide a few indication....

E.g., in [ 
Lauren Wood <> :  Re: XHTML DOM ] I find:

".... The HTML WG took over responsibility for the XHTML DOM .... "

and in[6. 
XHTML Attribute Collections] I find:

"....  We need to define the list of XHTML 2 events and map them into 
the XHTML DOM. ....."

and in 
[XHTML 2.0] I find:

"... the "document.write" method in the HTML DOM 
DOM ]). ... "

Any clarifications on this?


Olle Olsson   Tel: +46 8 633 15 19  Fax: +46 8 751 72 30
	[Svenska W3C-kontoret:]
SICS [Swedish Institute of Computer Science]
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Received on Friday, 23 January 2004 11:26:12 UTC