Re: noscript inside p

"Ernest Cline" <> wrote in message

> <script> is an Inline element and thus can be placed inside of <p>
> while <noscript> is a Block element  and cannot be placed inside
> a <p>.  I'll grant that it doesn't make much sense for <script>
> and <noscript> to not be interchangeable but the simple fact is
> that in HTML4/XHTML1 they aren't.

It makes perfect sense, they are not replacements for each other. Since
NOSCRIPT is defined as being shown if any of the previous SCRIPT blocks have
failed, so it's not a replacement for a script SCRIPT element.

In any case NOSCRIPT is a very dangerous element and should probably be
avoided (since you need to know that the script has executed correctly, not
just that it executed to be able to choose not to render the fallback.)


Received on Sunday, 4 January 2004 11:30:17 UTC