complexity (was: Re: XHTML and RDF)


On Wed, Apr 07, 2004 at 09:43:25AM +0900, Karl Dubost wrote:

> >Anyways, it seems we agree that W3C folks tend to create solutions
> >that evidently go into the wrong direction :-(
> Just a reminder. W3C folks are the companies members... not necessary
> academics or researchers, but software developers.

Actually, looking at most W3C standards, I get exactly the opposite
impression -- that they are created by academics that have never written
any serious software, or even tried to consider the implications of
writing an efficient implementation.

Did you realize that even the most advanced browsers, with an enormous
manpower behind them, do implement only a little fraction of the
standards? And that's not because they are too lazy; that's because many
of these standards are just absurdly complex.


Received on Wednesday, 7 April 2004 10:22:30 UTC