Re: <NOBR> - Returning to the question....

On Sat, 3 Apr 2004 wrote:

> I'm still in search of any example for either:
> - A situation where something inside <code> (even in my broad defnition)
>   is definitely desirable to have normal line breaking rules appiled, or

The word "normal" is questionable in the HTML context, due to Unicode
breaking rules. The question only creates confusion. When I write, say,
about the C language and mention a statement like a = b + c, I surely
don't mean to prevent spaces from being replaced by line breaks, as you
seem to postulate. There's no reason to prevent that, since in the C
language itself, line breaks are permitted there.

> - A situation where something outside <code> (i.e. natural language)
>   definitely shouldn't have normal line breaking rules applied

You didn't notice the examples I gave? I don't think it pays off
to list any new examples then. Besides, not everything outside <code> is
natural language. For example, mathematical expressions aren't. You are
making your own rules if say they belong inside <code> (and, besides, we
don't want to prevent line breaks inside them, _and_ we don't want rules
that allow line breaks after _any_ occurrence of a wide range of
characters - for math, the same line breaking rules as for normal text
should apply, unless specified otherwise, and this one reason why <nobr>
is needed, and <wbr> too, despite its misleadign name).

> (Definitely here means: It's important that it works even in a browser
> not understanding possible style sheet overrides, for it would destroy
> the meaning.)

You are imposing arbitrary restrictions. In most cases, for example,
removing paragraph structure would not change the fundamental meaning of
text. Actually, it is difficult to construct a case where it would.
Should we deduce that <p> elements are presentational only?

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela,

Received on Saturday, 3 April 2004 11:22:42 UTC