War. Guerra

Visite la web más polémica sobre guerras. Visit the most polemic web related to war.





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This is not a commercial e-mail.We do not sell or buy anything.


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DISCLAIMER: "The nausea" is a non-profit project of different individuals all over the world. This is NOT a "politically correct" web. We do not share any particular political tendency except our rejection to violence in every way. We believe that getting close to first degree violence will avoid any patriotic or romantic fantasy about war. Children DO NOT have any nationality. They should not suffer. Their lives, our lives can never be replaced. Our aim is to distribute information to everyone that demands it. Every information will NOT be manipulated before being posted. You can help just resending this email to everyone who is sensitive to this topic and including yourself in the “list”. Recommended for over 18 years old.

Received on Friday, 21 November 2003 15:15:04 UTC