Re: XHTML2 dt/dd Nesting

This is an old thread, but some recent discussions on www-style
are possibly relevant here.  Styling the implied container for the
parenthesised group in the implied content model:  (dt*, dd*)* seems to be
something that the CSS3 people want CSS3 to be able to do.  It appears to
be quite difficult to create a language that allows a virtual CSS block
to be created for such a group, but, in my view, I don't think that CSS
should need complex syntax to infer the existence of these sub-structures.

One of the CSS regulars counter claims to a suggestion that this be 
fixes in HTML that both CSS and HTML being owned by W3C doesn't mean
that fixes can be applied in the best place, and questions whether it
is a mis-feature of HTML.

Looking back at HTML 4.01, I'm not sure why the content model
for DL doesn't actually show this grouping (is it that the parse
is ambiguous).  I also don't know if XML even allows such a model, but
it does seem that a lot more complexity is being put back into CSS
than has been taken out of XML in some of the other simplifications
in the content model grammar.

Received on Sunday, 2 November 2003 04:40:09 UTC