Re: XHTML 2.0 to contain long element names

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Lewis" <>
Subject: Re: XHTML 2.0 to contain long element names

> I think XHTML2 is doing a decent job with element name length. There's
> not much to gain by expanding the names of frequently used elements,
> coolness aside, especially if the names in question are already
> established HTML elements (like p, tr, td, and th). On the bright
> side, the q element has been replaced by the quote element, for
> reasons still unclear to me.

I can think of two good reasons:

1. <quote> pairs nicely with <blockquote> (which in turn pairs nicely with
2. <q> is rendered differently on many browsers, which will likely remain
like that. Renaming effective creates a new version and allows the browsers
to easily maintain backward-compatibility by leaving the old <q> as it is.

Simon Jessey


Received on Sunday, 11 May 2003 22:06:53 UTC