Re: broadcast and p2p media

On Wed, Jun 18, 2003 at 03:40:37PM +0300, Annala Raino EC wrote:
| So essentially what you're saying is that the browsers should be able 
| to handle these new types of URIs instead of new tags/attributes. This
| is one of the discussions I have had with my collegues. I guess I have
| to take this issue also to the URI mailing list before it is too late. 
| I tend to believe that leaving this kind of stuff open results in a 
| mess, when browser writers recreate their own versions | before a 
| standard is laid out. 

Well yes, particularly as these links might not just appear in XHTML,
but also in other places, such as databases, spreadsheets, browser
bookmarks, e-mails, etc: it makes sense to do this sort of thing in
the URI instead of the markup.

| <a href="p2p:Britney%20Spears">Crud</a>
| Yes. This might be a good alternative. What do you think, what would be the best way 
| to manage different fields (mediatype, author, title etc.) in the queries?

I believe that filesharing program eDonkey has already defined a URI
scheme. Gnutella also has a URN-based URI scheme, which I think is kind
of a nifty way of doing things.

| Do you think it is best to implement filesharing and television
| viewing inside a  browser (in a plugin?) window or should a new
| window be opened for an existing viewer program?

Best to just provide the link and let the viewer worry about what
to do with it!

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS | | pgp:0x6A2A7D39
    aim:inka80 | icq:6622880 | yahoo:tobyink |
   | "You've got spam!"

Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2003 17:17:03 UTC