Re: CSS integration proposal

Jens Meiert wrote:

>As I looked over the XHTML draft, I thought about a more generic CSS
>integration similar to the Ruby module. So, what about referring to (internal) CSS
>   <!-- add styles here -->
>and, related to external CSS, via
><css href="URI" />
>I guess this is really self-descriptive and you even don't need to announce
>the type attribute (text/css). Please tell me, if I overlooked something
>important; nevertheless, what do you mean?
> Jens Meiert.
What's wrong with the style element? I have always wondered why the link 
element was used for stylesheets, but I can't agree with your proposal 
since the style element can do what you've just showed there. I've 
thought about adding a src attribute to style but that wouldn't be any 
better than link. Unless we could use <style src="/style.css" 
type="text/css" />. But for alternate and all those other values, I 
don't know. I think we should stick with link for now unless someone can 
think of something better.

Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2003 08:47:06 UTC