Re: H1

From: "Sampo Syreeni" <>
> ><h1>Miscellaneous</h1>
> ><h2>Chalk</h2>
> >[article]
> ><h2>Cheese</h2>
> >[article]
> My question is, why force a page to have such a common topic? Why
> precisely is it necessary to have a common heading on each and every page?

How will readers know that you talk about cheese further down on the page?
All they see is a big heading "Chalk". This is a very misleading way of
structuring your content.

The additional "Miscellaneous" H1 heading implies that there *could* be
other ideas discussed on the same page.

Pages that contain several ideas are trouble for search engines. When you
search for "cheese+chalk", you are not interested in finding pages that
happen to contain unrelated articles about each of your search words.

I'd ask myself what the page is about. If I can't come up with a good
answer, it probably means that the ideas on the page are so unrelated that
they shouldn't be on the same page. If I *can* come up with a good answer, I
put it into the H1.

Received on Thursday, 13 February 2003 18:10:09 UTC