Re: XHTML2 and metainformation

On Sat, Apr 19, 2003 at 04:53:38PM -0400, Ernest Cline wrote:
| > <link rel="schema.DC" href="" />
| > <meta name="" content="2000-01-01" />
| It still is a kludgy hack. Not as kludgy as I first thought, but still 
| kludgy. Dublin Core assumes that <link rel="schema.*" /> can be used to 
| assign a namespace to a metainformation schema. This however is not a 
| normative part of the XHTML2 standard nor has it ever been a normative 
| part of any (X)HTML standard issued by W3C. 

Nor does (X)HTML make any attempt to define Spanish, but you can still 
write Spanish documents in (X)HTML.

My point is that there is nothing in (X)HTML to specifically disallow 
the use of <link rel="schema.*" />. 

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS | | pgp:0x6A2A7D39
    aim:inka80 | icq:6622880 | yahoo:tobyink |
   | "You've got spam!"

Received on Sunday, 20 April 2003 04:40:59 UTC