Re: more xhtml 2.0 comments

Ernest Cline <>:
> I strongly doubt that an 'Mc' character will ever be part of Unicode. 
> [...]

Agreed; aside from anything, 'Mc' is counted as two characters in a 
name rather than one.

> As for the suggestion of including <super>c, I also doubt that 
> will include it as Mc, M<sup>c</sup>, and M<sup><u>c</u></sup> are 
> variations I've seen of how to present Mc. 

Applying the correct formatting to the character is not the problem - 
this markup would only make sense to a visual UA. The superscripted 'c' 
in this instance has properties as a character, such as the lexical 
ordering mentioned earlier. I do believe that this 'c' ought to be 
included in Unicode.

> Might I suggest using this:
>   <abbr title="Mac">Mc</abbr>
> since 'Mc' will probably never appear in Unicode unless someone can 
> provide a more impressive reason than what has neen presented here.

For an aural UA, perhaps, but unless an appropriate stylesheet was 
provided this wouldn't render correctly on a visual device.



Received on Friday, 18 April 2003 05:08:44 UTC