- From: Etan Wexler <ewexler@stickdog.com>
- Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2003 01:31:51 -0700
- To: David Woolley <david@djwhome.demon.co.uk>, www-html@w3.org
David Woolley wrote to <mailto:www-html@w3.org> on 6 April 2003 in "Re: [XHTML2] Unicode line and paragraph separators" (<mid:200304060747.h367lnn04756@djwhome.demon.co.uk>): > for structurally rich material, you must either > mix several namespaces, or use an XML application, like docbook, intended > for more sophisticated users. I agree with the general thrust, but take issue with that last word. Document types like DocBook are for more detailed or more sophisticated content. The sophistication of the user is another matter altogether. -- Etan Wexler <mailto:ewexler@stickdog.com>
Received on Tuesday, 8 April 2003 04:34:15 UTC