Re: [XHTML2] Suggestion: generalize CAPTION element

Bert Bos <> wrote:

> I had overlooked the fact that OBJECT contained CAPTION, so I retract
> my criticism. I thought OBJECT in XHTML2 had the same content model as
> in HTML4.


> Btw., the description of CAPTION in XHTML2 says CAPTION describes a
> TABLE (or at least the CAPTION element of OBJECT links to the CAPTION
> element of TABLE), but I assume that is an editorial mistake.

Thanks for pointing this out, it should be fixed in the next draft.

> Now that there is at least one way to associate an image with a
> caption, the need for captions on other types of images becomes less
> clear. It is still an interesting question whether all elements that
> have a SRC attribute should also have a CAPTION element and whether
> OBJECT should exist at all, but I haven't made up my mind about that.
> I think I can do all I wanted to do with the new OBJECT.

Personally I think the 'src' attribute is designed to achieve simple
things simply, and the 'object' element makes more complex things 
possible.  'src' is not appropriate for all kinds of embedding, but
that's an intentional design to keep it simple, IMHO.

Masayasu Ishikawa /
W3C - World Wide Web Consortium

Received on Monday, 7 April 2003 04:48:38 UTC