Scope of the <link> tag (specifically the scope of CSS style sheets)

I have a suggestion to the way that CSS style sheets are linked in to an
HTML document. Firstly, let me say I am not sure if this list is the
correct place for this suggestion, if not then please let me know. I did
think it was better here than in www-style however since it is in
reference an HTML tag and not specifically the CSS.

My suggestion is that the <link> tag is either modified or a new tag
more specific to linking CSS files introduced that allows CSS styles to
have a defined scope within an HTML document. Maybe this could be an
extension to the <style> tag, it always seemed slightly unusual that
while you can link an external script file in using <script> that it is
not the <style> tag that is used to reference an external CSS style
sheet (but that is a whole other discussion!).

Consider the following example:

<my document html>
<!-- Start of my menu code -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/CSS" href="menu.css">
  <my menu html>
<!-- End of my menu code -->
<other document html>

To clarify, the styles contained within the menu.css style sheet would
only be in scope for the portion of html within the <link> tag.

It would be extremely useful, especially in the development of modular
HTML components to be able to use a CSS file for a specific portion of a
webpage and then have the browser forget about the CSS after you close a
tag. It would allow for example, a menu to be displayed in 2 different
colours on the same page while using the same generated HTML. It would
also allow the user to use overloaded standard tag classes much more

I would be very interested to hear peoples feedback on this.

Best Regards

Dave Verwer
Link HR Systems


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Received on Friday, 4 April 2003 04:43:33 UTC