Rename of elements (Was RE: Preload for <section>)

 >No I have not been following the HTML strict.  I have
 >been trying to convert finally, but the location of the
 >Center attribute is escaping me.

First of all I would want to give an applause to all the
people who have discovered the (x)HTML standard, and are
indeed converting their ways and documents. Unfortunatly
many people who are confronted with the standards have
an attitude of: "standards, accessible? damn it, I've
always just started by documents with <body bgcolor=white>>
and I always use <:o:>!!! <doctype>? to much typing! And
It work see... ahh that not a bvrowser, everybody uses
Internet Explorer 5.02 build 1234"

 >But the idea of condensing the number of tags to more
 >informative markup is a good one.

The goal to depricate all presentational and non
semantic rich elements is indeed good. And duplicating
elemnts like <q> to <quote> is also good. (Yes I did
type copy, and the old elements should be depricated)

 >I think that would make it easier to understand what
 >information is conveyed in a document while still
 >rendering in browsers with the look we have today.

Not only better for the autors, but also for the users
with special needs, and for special software like a
screen reader.

Christian Bottelier

Received on Thursday, 26 September 2002 16:08:27 UTC