Re: a new value for <title> and other meta tags

On 2002-09-12, Etan Wexler uttered to

>Now it is the responsiblity of user agent designers to give us user
>agents that process headings in an optimal manner (for example, adding
>the text of a heading to a document window's title bar).

Quite. Still, I think headings in content are quite a different thing from
headings in document head/metadata. Why? Because the online environment
often dictates approaches different from an all-paper one. In the latter,
one usually takes the first content heading as the document one. In the
former, at least I tend to take a different approach. Here what the user
sees contentwise is the least he needs to see, based on usual hypertext
semantics. As the document title, OTOH, I tend to set something meaningful
to someone popping up on the site from a search engine, or comparable
outside-context referrers. That way, headings in content are sensible in
context, while titles in document metadata (which is what <head/>
contains) belong more in the realm of out-of-band, identifying data.
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy -, tel:+358-50-5756111
student/math+cs/helsinki university,
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