Re: OL needs the start attribute

The 3/3a/4 dichotomy can surely be addressed only by
allowing an individual <LI> not to participate in
the general numbering scheme; thus one might postulate
a markup such as the following :

	<li> material for section 3 </li>
	<li ol=none value="3a"> material for section 3a </li>
	<li> material for section 4 </li>

where 'ol=parent' is otherwise implied, and 'ol="named-ol"'
is allowed but rarely if ever needed.  

[I am using here the convention of an unquoted string for 
 a keyword and a quoted string for a variable; not sure if 
 this is in accordance with current or proposed syntax.]

Philip Taylor, RHBNC
> This shows article 3a as part of article 3. But, as Roland pointed out,
> that it should _not_ be.
> --
> Johannes Koch . IT Developer
> Pixelpark AG .
> Rotherstraße 8 . 10245 Berlin . Germany
> phone: +49 30 5058 - 1288 . fax: - 1355

Received on Thursday, 17 October 2002 06:34:26 UTC