Re: Fw: Paged-media break points

Stephen Brooks wrote:
> --[Pagination is covered by the CSS spec.]--
>  OK, found it - it's in CSS2 not CSS1 where I had looked.  It's a shame
> their breaking algorithm doesn't take the <h1> <h2>... tags into account
> either.  I should have modified my suggestion to have an implicit break at
> level N before every <hN> tag.

div.container {
   page-break-inside: avoid;

<div class="container">
   <p>article content</p>
   <p>article content</p>

As pagination is CSS related (not HTML), you should ask this question in
Johannes Koch . IT Developer
Pixelpark AG .
Rotherstraße 8 . 10245 Berlin . Germany
phone: +49 30 5058 - 1288 . fax: - 1355

Received on Friday, 1 November 2002 13:04:34 UTC