Deprecated stuff in XHTML1.1 (was: Re: usemap in XHTML 1.1 no longer a URI?!)

Peter Sheerin wrote:
 > Erich Reto Iseli wrote:
 > > Methinks... if you are not ready to use XHTML1.1, then stick with
 > > XHTML1.0 Strict. And if you are not ready to use XHTML1.0 strict,
 > > use XHTML1.0 Transitional. But please *please*! Don't abuse
 > > modularization!
 > Since the target and frame modules are defined by the w3 XHTML
 > modularization documents,

OK, I was not aware of that. I always used only the XHTML 1.1 documents 
and there was no reference to the frames and target modules. Now I found 
it at

 > exactly how is actually using them, and fixing a
 > serious error in the 1.1 DTD abusing the concept?

So if there's a _serious error_ in the 1.1 DTD, why doesn't it get 
fixed? Is it so hard to write an errata page? I got confused by this and 
I'm sure I'm not the first, nor the last one...


Received on Monday, 4 March 2002 08:47:52 UTC