Re: a new value for <title> and other meta tags

On 2002-08-22, Lorenzo De Tomasi uttered to

>> <title xml:lang="en" />
>> <title xml:lang="fr" />
>> Would that be allowed?
>Why not? :)

One reason is that one could use content negotiation to deal with
different primary languages in a multilingual context. That's what I'm
doing right now, with my site.

I don't see why a page, having a primary language, would need to
incorporate multiple titles in different languages. Also, I don't see a
situation where pages *without* a language elevable above others would be
needed. Hence, I would tend to advocate a single title for a single page,
and multiple pages for multiple languages, possibly negotiated for via
already standardized protocols.
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy -, tel:+358-50-5756111
student/math+cs/helsinki university,
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