RE: My comments on the XHTML 2 draft.

Manos Batsis writes:
> I'd ban such an attribute and have the level be defined by the node's
> relative depth in the tree. Relative because we don't care about the
> actual depth, but an algorithm can "level" <h> elements as it encounters

  I consider my text to be divided into chapters and chapters to
  be divided into subchapters. This would map to XHTML 2 as a section
  and a section within a section, respectively (if levels are defined
  by the depth).

  Within each of theses chapters or subchapters I sometimes have small
  divisions of text with usually one or a few paragraphs that describe
  an exercise. I want to title an exercise with, e.g., "Sorting Lines", 
  followed by one or two paragraphs to describe the exercise.

  If I would use XHTML-2.0-section as suggested above, i.e.,

<section><h>Exercise: Sorting Lines</h>
  <p>Read lines into an array and sort them!</p></section>

  then the level of such an exercise would be higher if it appeared
  directly under a top-level XHTML-section (a chapter) than if
  it appears directly under a second-level XHTML-section (a subchapter). 
  An exercise would sometimes be a subchapter or sometimes a
  subsubchapter or somethig else, depending on its position.
  However, all those exercise-sections are intended to have the same 
  "low" level. They should not vary depending on the current
  XHTML-section-depth. They are also not sections in the sense of
  sections, that should appear in a table-of-contents, but still
  are sections in the sense of titled divisions. (But the div-
  element has no semantics for this purpose.)

  Now I am using something like 
<dl><dt>Exercise: Sorting Lines</dt>
  <dd>Read lines into an array and sort them!</dd></dl>

  But I would prefer another section-like container, e.g.,

<block class="exercise">
  <h>Sorting Lines</h><p>Read lines int... </p></block> 

  Where a block may not contain a section or another block and "class"
  could be e.g., "example", "warning", "picture" (where the h becomes the
  caption for the picture), "error", "definition", "theorem", "proof", 
  "remark", or "QA" (with h being the question). 

Received on Tuesday, 13 August 2002 21:42:03 UTC