Re: Comments on XHTML 2.0 Working Draft

> Every argument for deprecating <br> in favor of <line> also applies to 
deprecating <hr> in favor of <section>. The only structural use for <hr> is 
as a section separator -- just like <br> is a line separator. With XHTML 2.0, 
we have the <line> and <section> elements for marking up lines and sections, 
thus <br> and <hr> are not needed anymore. <br> is deprecated -- why not <hr>

I agree with this line of reasoning.  The goal of the W3C has always been to 
separate structure from presentation. The horizontal rule would be purely a 
presentational element if it coexisted with <section>.  I've always regarded 
it to be something of a peculiar anomaly as it is.

Simon Jessey

Received on Thursday, 8 August 2002 14:31:11 UTC