XHTML Modularization

Hello dear list members,

I think that the recommendation describing XHTML Modularization is too short
and needs more information.

1. I would like to see the following information added to that
What's a module?
A module is an abstract unit within a document model expressed as a DTD
fragment, used to consolidate markup declarations to increase the
flexibility, modifiability, reuse and understanding of specificlogical or
semantic structures.
logically, modules do:
- define elements
- define attribute lists
- extend attribute lists
- define content models
- extend content models
- define attribute collections
- extend attribute collections
- define content sets
- extend content sets

2. Information about semantics missing
XHTML Modularization does not contain any information describing the
semantics of the modules, elements and attributes, but still references
HTML4 (HTML4.01). I think the link to HTML4 should be broken up. The
semantics of the modules should be described at XHTML Modularization, as
already done with the datatypes.

3. Validation of XHTML impossible
It should be mentioned in XHTML Modularization, that a full validation of
XHTML is impossible at the moment since datatypes of attributes like
Character cannot be checked for proper use. Using <a
accesskey="aksueztn">...</a> will still result in no validation errors with
XML DTD validation.

4. Information about what the modules do is missing
To find out what a module really does, it currently is neccessary to read
the source codes of the modular framework and the module. The section
describing the abstract modules should be extended to contain more
information about what each module does. From reading the section about the
abstract modules it is impossible to find out in what module the attribute
collections are defined.
I think the list from my 1. is a good starting point to develop such

What do you think?


Christian Hujer

Information Technology Consulting, Qualifying and Individual Solutions
Christian Wolfgang Hujer
Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter
Tel: +49 (0)89 - 27370437
Fax: +49 (0)89 - 27370439
E-Mail: Christian.Hujer@itcqis.com
WWW: http://www.itcqis.com/

Received on Saturday, 1 September 2001 09:39:53 UTC