Suggestion: Tags for personal information


It seems that these days everyone and their dog have a home page on the
web.  If someone has a common name it is almost impossible to find their
home page with a web search. There are several web sites for finding
long lost school/college friends, but these require people to register
and just return an email address. I think a lot of people are interested
in finding out what happened to old friends but they don't necessarily
want to contact them directly by email.

I propose a set of personal information tags people can include on their
home page. This would include things like name (including nicknames /
maiden names), place and date of birth, school, college and employment
information (including dates). Search engines could then provide a home
page finder option which searched based on these tags.

What do you think?


Received on Tuesday, 13 November 2001 05:34:37 UTC