Is this an error (-in the Sec. D.2.2 XHTMLMOD) ??

In the Second Paragraph of the section D.2.2 [XHTMLMOD], 
there say that MODULE.xmlns.attrib should contain %NS.decl.attrib; plus 
"xmlns %URI.datatype; #FIXED '%MODULE.xmlns;'" when %MODULE.prefixed
is set to 'IGNORE'., 
but in the example, the implementation of it is represented as follow.

<!ENTITY % Inventory.xmlns.attrib
<!ENTITY % Inventory.xmlns.attrib
     "xmlns %URI.datatype;  #FIXED '%Inventory.xmlns;'  <!-- #some error??# -->

I think the last line should be ended with quotation mark and 
contain "%NS.decl.attrib".

By the way, I want to know where the parameter entities 
as "NS.decl.attrib", "URI.datatype", and "NS.prefixed" were defined,
and their actual meanings as well as usages.

Best regards,


Received on Sunday, 15 July 2001 21:01:00 UTC