2 HTML tags in one document


Browser asks server for a page. The page doesn't send anything to
server. The page simply does some database operations and then decides
to redirect to one of 2 pages (e.g. some next page or error page).
Redirection is done sending meta tag <meta http-equiv="Refresh"
content=0 URL=...> to browser.

Server knows that processing may spend long time. We tried this
Before database operation we send to browser simple html page dispaying
message "Please wait...". After database operation we send new simple
html document containing mentioned refreshing meta tag. As a result of
that action browser contains 1 document with 2 html blocks:

<body>Please wait...</body>

<head><meta http-equiv="Refresh"......></head>

I must say we tested it using all well known browsers: MS Internet
Explorer, Netscape, Mozila. We found it works well!


1) Is it acceptable solution? Can we continue to use it? Will it work in
next browsers?

2) Is there any better and "more correct" solution?

Please, send answer on my e-mail address: zkovanda@cssoftware.com

Zdenek Kovanda
Project Manager
CS Software, Inc.
Prague, Czech Republic

Received on Wednesday, 17 January 2001 22:55:03 UTC