Suggestion for a new HTML Tag


I have an idea that might have been previously discussed but I can't find
reference to it.

While browsing the web a lot of pages contain references to many images (it
is not unusual to see 30+).  There are lots of methods of compressing images
which help speed page display times, however the main problem (apart from
size) is network round trip.

Each time an image is requested the browser has to go back to the server.

I would have thought that a simple solution to this would have been to
combine all of the images into a single file, this would only involve a
single network round trip, for argument sake the tag could be <IMAGEARRAY
NAME="array1" SRC=".......">.  Then else where in the document instead of
<IMAGE> tags you could have new tag called <LOCALIMAGE SRC="array1"
IMAGE="3"> the browser could then render the image on screen from a single

What say you ?

Received on Monday, 31 December 2001 16:16:26 UTC