Re: contentEditable

> I don't understand Uncle Billy - why does it good, to allow the user, that
> can edit the content?
> I tried it:

What if you then have a form on that page with a hidden field called
'new_html' and a button to submit. On submit you can get the BODY's html
(maybe stripping the FORM?) and submit it to the server.  now you can
approach WYSIWIG editing in the browser.

What I do is use XSLT and XML to transform into an HTML page that i know
well. I then let the user edit the areas I have made contentEditable(only
the ones that the editors need to affect).  Then onSave I roundtrip the html
back to XML and submit it to the server for storage.

It is not useless to me...

> ...
> <body>
> <p contenteditable>Is this editable?</p>
> </body>
> ...
> So, I could edit the content in the browser window.
> I see it to a thing, what is beautiful, good, but  useless - as the
> Microsoft's programs...

you have blinders on

> Regards,
> Miklos Monostory

Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2001 09:20:04 UTC