Re: XHTML 1.1 : no frames

On 2:51 PM 8/31/00 "Tantek Celik" <> wrote:

> A URL (or URI) is nothing but a reference to a resource somewhere. 
> It's not a "name", it's not a "full reflection of state" (except
> perhaps "data:" URLs), and it's certainly not guaranteed to exist or
> be complete.

It is your first sentence that identifies the fundamental problem with
frames, IMO.

If I send you a url to a story on the NY Times web site, sure - it will
get rendered differently on your browser due to cookies, javascript,
etc., but I *can* give you a url to that unique story on the site.

In a framed site, the same thing is not possible.  You have to give
convoluted instructions - go to the main page, click on this, click on
this, follow this, click on this, scroll down 3 pages, click on this,
then see the story.  You can't give a single url into a framed document. 
For me, this is a major problem, esp when I need to send my mom a link,
for example.
Jim Correia                                Bare Bones Software, Inc.                     <>

Received on Friday, 1 September 2000 21:21:21 UTC