Re: 403 errors

At 14:15 26-05-2000 +1200, Eric wrote:
>Hi All
>One thing that often cheeses me off when I am trying to get information off
>the web in a hurry, is the number of linking web sites that do not work
>would it be possible to have something like this?
><a href=""  onerror=" ">This
>web site is worth going to</a>
>were "onerror" is a new attribute, for future browsers.
>If the linking website is down the browsers could automatically email the
>site webmaster with a browser generated Email to say the linking address
>does not
>work. and may all those 403 error messages go away
>from me, Eric

I'm not sure about other servers, but with Microsoft IIS it is possible to 
set up custom error message pages and use ASP code in them to send an email 
to the site administrator whenever an error occurs.

Received on Friday, 26 May 2000 04:17:26 UTC