RE: SELECT OPTION how to control the fonts..?

> From:	Cheun N Chong []
> I have the following HTML codes:
	[DJW:]  The example is not syntactically HTML, 
	form has mandatory attributes which haven't been
	supplied, and is not semantically HMTL, because it
	is abusing option to simulate a scrollable positioned
	section (at least one browser has the option of displaying
	select as a set of radio buttons); I'm not sure what a 
	good speech based browser would make of this!).

> <tr><td align=center>
> <form name="scrollform">
> <select name="scroller" size=4>
> <option>
> <option>
	[DJW:]  For compliant HTML 4+ browsers (i.e. not Netscape 4)
	you do not need the form element, although the correct way is
	with a DIV and style sheet.

Received on Tuesday, 2 May 2000 07:11:17 UTC